Tag: mystic yoga mats

Why healthy mystic?

Nobody is perfect, we are all constantly on a rollercoaster of evolution and regression. Some stay in the evolution cycle longer than others, but we all experience the highs and lows of life. Healthy, is the power to do what you want, when you want, without any physical, spiritual or mental obstacles. This isn’t something that comes easy, we all have our inner wounds that slow us down. Mysticism has been a doorway of optimism and growth for those who follow the call of its knowledge. Healthy Mystic is the combination of aspiration and introspection. Through yoga, we combine those goals of physical well being and spiritual pursuit. Utilizing sacred geometry, energetic bodies like the 7 chakras, or even the ouroboros embedded with the flower of life, our mats deepen meditative visualization. Most of the mats also have hand and feet lines to align the body, with a line down the middle for spinal alignment. Follow our blog to learn more about Mysticism, Health, Yoga, or the Human Experience.