Life is a series of crossroads, choose wisely.

Every choice we make takes us down a different timeline. We are at these crossroads in every moment. All of us know that we can do and be more than what we are. It’s the simplest choices that form our reality. The decision to exercise when we are stressed, or the choice to eat a fatty meal instead is just one example. Or to go above and beyond at work or do the bare minimum. 

Our lives are just a series of crossroads, the choice is as simple as the shadow and the light. We can listen to the shadow’s voice that postpones action, and leads us astray; or we can listen to soul, the intuition, the gut, the angel within, whatever you call it.

Every time we make the right choice, we strengthen that foundation, and it becomes easier to do. When we choose to accommodate the shadow, the ego, the lower self, we lower our vibration and attract things that resonate with that frequency. 

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