Category: Mental Health

Connecting our mind, body and soul

The greatest catalyst for growth is our heart and emotions. Nothing motivates mankind like the pull of the heartstrings, that’s why every great music artist sings about love. Love is the eternal force that binds us to each other. Whether it’s as friends, family or partners, the force propels us into action. When we are in alignment with our heart’s desires, life flows smoothly like a gentle creek. When we begin to value logic over the heart, we begin to experience dissonance. Our natural impulse is to follow our heart, but the mind always supplies ample reasons to ignore it. You can manipulate yourself into believing anything, that’s the power of the human experience. That is why we have blind faith in different world views, religions, doctrines and so on. When you manage to reduce the ego’s influence over your daily actions, you are learning to act from the heart space. The mind is always trapped in ego, as they share the same chamber. The heart is tethered to our soul, that is why the pain can be so long-lasting. Only by uniting the mind with the heart, and eventually the gut, can you find inner peace. The more you practice self-love through exercise and meditation, the easier this process becomes.