
A quick poem by me on the difficulties in messing up and healing in love


It’s never enough,

To see you here

Sorry I’m rough 

But this is clear



I’ve wrote a rhyme 

With you on my mind

Really all the time

My one of a kind 



The words cut deep

A slip of the tongue

my heart to keep 

Yet instead I stung  



A mistake I made 

Lovely butterfly 

Forgive my jade 

Our love, amplify 



These feelings void,

Let me say this last

This I can’t avoid  

my future, my past



You are so amazing,

I know I’m crazy 

My love unveiling,

I miss my lady

Reincarnation or divine fate?

Reality unveils itself in the order that it sees fit, so guide it the best you can. Our thoughts and imaginations siphon from the collective consciousness and reality appears. Is there really free choice or is our path already known? The feeling of déjà vu challenges the notion of a singular reality. What if that feeling, is really a wink from the universe that here you are again, repeating the life lessons you haven’t learned in order to escape saṃsāra. 

When we escape the reincarnation cycle, we have achieved enlightenment; the divine state of connecting to the universal consciousness. I believe that enlightenment reveals itself in layers, similar to the peeling of an onion. Whether it is through suffering or perseverance, many a mystic have claimed to achieve the rainbow body. 

Several monks in Tibet, arguably, have proved it. The Tibetan rainbow body is the ultimate achievement of enlightenment, in which the corpse shrivels up to about a foot in length and looks surreal. The bodies consumption of matter, is no longer. We become a part of the air, the cosmos. All of the elements of the universe; are connected by matter. God, is perceived to be the intelligence behind its creation. 

Realizing that we are all microscopic fragments of this universal mind, is the beginning up the stairway to enlightenment. To be a man of enlightenment, is how the free masons spoke of themselves during its earlier years. They referred to themselves as such for they possessed hidden mystical knowledge that had been lost through the ages. 

To be on the path to enlightenment, is to understand you have not achieved it. You have experienced glimpses into the collective consciousness, and immediately your vibration changes and your life quest begins.

Why healthy mystic?

Nobody is perfect, we are all constantly on a rollercoaster of evolution and regression. Some stay in the evolution cycle longer than others, but we all experience the highs and lows of life. Healthy, is the power to do what you want, when you want, without any physical, spiritual or mental obstacles. This isn’t something that comes easy, we all have our inner wounds that slow us down. Mysticism has been a doorway of optimism and growth for those who follow the call of its knowledge.

Healthy Mystic is the combination of aspiration and introspection. Through yoga, we combine those goals of physical well being and spiritual pursuit. Utilizing sacred geometry, energetic bodies like the 7 chakras, or even the ouroboros embedded with the flower of life, our mats deepen meditative visualization. Most of the mats also have hand and feet lines to align the body, with a line down the middle for spinal alignment.

Follow our blog to learn more about Mysticism, Health, Yoga, or the Human Experience.

Life is a series of crossroads, choose wisely.

Every choice we make takes us down a different timeline. We are at these crossroads in every moment. All of us know that we can do and be more than what we are. It’s the simplest choices that form our reality. The decision to exercise when we are stressed, or the choice to eat a fatty meal instead is just one example. Or to go above and beyond at work or do the bare minimum. 

Our lives are just a series of crossroads, the choice is as simple as the shadow and the light. We can listen to the shadow’s voice that postpones action, and leads us astray; or we can listen to soul, the intuition, the gut, the angel within, whatever you call it.

Every time we make the right choice, we strengthen that foundation, and it becomes easier to do. When we choose to accommodate the shadow, the ego, the lower self, we lower our vibration and attract things that resonate with that frequency. 

Connecting our mind, body and soul

The greatest catalyst for growth is our heart and emotions. Nothing motivates mankind like the pull of the heartstrings, that’s why every great music artist sings about love. Love is the eternal force that binds us to each other. Whether it’s as friends, family or partners, the force propels us into action.

When we are in alignment with our heart’s desires, life flows smoothly like a gentle creek. When we begin to value logic over the heart, we begin to experience dissonance. Our natural impulse is to follow our heart, but the mind always supplies ample reasons to ignore it.

You can manipulate yourself into believing anything, that’s the power of the human experience. That is why we have blind faith in different world views, religions, doctrines and so on. When you manage to reduce the ego’s influence over your daily actions, you are learning to act from the heart space. The mind is always trapped in ego, as they share the same chamber. The heart is tethered to our soul, that is why the pain can be so long-lasting.

Only by uniting the mind with the heart, and eventually the gut, can you find inner peace. The more you practice self-love through exercise and meditation, the easier this process becomes.

How incremental changes in our thinking produce big results.

The struggle for dominance of the mind is fought between the shadow and higher self on a daily basis. Whenever you choose to do something that you don’t want to do, you are reprogramming your consciousness. Small incremental changes of even 1% more effort, repeated daily, can lead to monumental growth in our lives.

Be the kind of person who does the dishes after they cook, completes a project the day it’s assigned, hits the gym even on the hard days, or even just being generous without expectation. When you act from a place of power, you are raising your vibration and giving more life to the light within. The more you push yourself past the hard stuff, the easier everything else becomes.

The longer I live the more I realize how difficult but rewarding life is. Life is always going to throw anxiety and doubt your way, only by healing your inner wounds can you overcome them on a daily basis. When you choose to forgive yourself, or those who have hurt you, you are expressing gratitude to the universe and delivering a message of positivity. Whatever you focus your intent on, is what your reality is. Our daily choice to exercise, to work, to be kind, are the things that define who we are.

Who you are when everything is going smoothly is important, because that is your character. However, who you are when life is beating you down, is the crux of your soul’s aptitude to evolve. When we do the stuff we love, we are filled with all sorts of chemicals that elevate our moods. When times are tough, the mind can become the enemy and do the opposite! Our mind during anxiety and depression is really “our inner bitch” that is holding us back. This is the part of you that skips the gym, just this one time, then the next. If you want to see your life catapult into abundance, conquer your inner bitch.