Our innate desire to find meaning is both a blessing and a curse

Our innate desire to find meaning behind everything is both a blessing and a curse. The key to happiness is learning to live in the present, so why are we so enthralled with the idea of greater meaning?

If we are to truly be happy, maybe it’s best to let events happen fluidly. Pondering the what if’s, and should haves, is the easiest way to get lost in your mind.
When we are lost in our mind, then fear and anxiety approach and the confusion only deepens. My advice is to worry less about the meaning behind something and focus on your present intentions and emotions.
Focus on what you can do now to make your soul happy. Take that step into yoga class or change your diet. Whatever it is you know you need to do, do it. Don’t worry about the details, or the meaning, or the synchronicities.
If you believe in synchronicity, you know that everything is unfolding as it should. Trust in the cosmic plan laid out before you, and you will have much less fear and anxiety in your life. Don’t worry about the “why”, worry about what you should do right “now.”

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