The deeper the suffering, the greater the soul

The deeper the suffering, the greater the soul. Most people are not aware of their soul self until later in life. The trials and tribulations we undergo are what develop our persona. The easier life is, the more you take this experience for granted.

It’s through experiencing loss, betrayal, abandonment, fear and even spite that we grow to forgive. Whether our pain is self-directed or external, forgiving ourselves and those who have hurt us; is how we begin to heal the wounds. In order to forgive, we have to accept our circumstances and move on.

When you truly forgive, the inner angst will dwindle and you’ll feel the emotional rebirth in your life. Gratitude will follow. As your vibration shifts from negative thought patterns, you will begin to attract better outcomes and experience less suffering. Your energy is either magnetic or repelling, so make a conscious effort to elevate.

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