Overcoming mental complacency

It takes immense courage to break out of our mental ruts. It becomes second nature for us to become complacent; life becomes a cycle of eat, sleep, work and repeat. The shadow self takes a hold and we idle until we build the courage to do something about it. If you are stuck in stagnation, do something that challenges you in a new way.

Climb the mountain, kayak the river, jump off the plane (with a parachute) whatever it is you are scared of, a new life is on the other side. When we overcome our fears, we tell the universe that we are ready to move beyond that lesson.

Those things no longer scare us, and we progress to the next step in our personal development. Personal power is the ability to do what you want to do, regardless of the obstacles holding you back. Once you surmount a mind block, it becomes a muscle you exercise. It gets easier with each attempt. Prevail over your mind and you can exceed any limitations you place on yourself.

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